KOMPSAT-3A, provided by SI Imaging Services
KOMPSAT-3A provides high-resolution imagery with 0.4m for panchromatic and 1.6m for multispectral bands. It was the first KOMPSAT satellite to have two imaging systems, making it ideal for defense, mapping, infrastructure, agriculture, disaster monitoring, and automated feature extraction. The satellite revisits the same area every 3 days, less than 20° off nadir.
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Pleiades Neo, provided by Airbus Defence and Space
Pléiades Neo is the most advanced optical constellation of Airbus, with four identical 30cm resolution satellites with ultimate reactivity. Its sensors capture Deep Blue, Blue, Green, Red, Red Edge, and Near-Infrared bands, at resolutions of 30 cm for Panchromatic, and 1.2m for Multispectral.
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Satellogic Multispectral, provided by Satellogic
Satellogic’s multispectral cameras collect imagery data at an altitude of about 475 km. Its 4 multispectral bands (red, green, blue, near-IR) are delivered ortho-rectified and GIS-ready, and with sub-meter resolutions, Satellogic Multispectral is ideal for monitoring high-frequency changes in infrastructure and the natural environment.
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PlanetScope, provided by Planet
See the changes over time for your area of interest, anywhere in the world, in stunning detail at a resolution of just 3 meters. PlanetScope multispectral imagery is widely used in applications involving forest monitoring, detecting changes in urban and peri-urban environments, and predicting crop yields.
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Pleiades Neo, provided by Airbus Defence and Space
Pléiades Neo is the most advanced optical constellation of Airbus, with four identical 30cm resolution satellites with ultimate reactivity. Its sensors capture Deep Blue, Blue, Green, Red, Red Edge, and Near-Infrared bands, at resolutions of 30 cm for Panchromatic, and 1.2m for Multispectral.
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SkySat Archive, provided by Planet
Das SkySat-Archiv enthält einige der hochwertigsten Satellitenbilder der Welt, mit einer Auflösung von bis zu 0,7 Metern. Das Bildmaterial ist seit 2014 verfügbar. Für die Analyse stehen vier Bänder zur Verfügung, darunter Rot, Grün, Blau und Nahinfrarot.
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Satellogic Multispectral, provided by Satellogic
Satellogic’s multispectral cameras collect imagery data at an altitude of about 475 km. Its 4 multispectral bands (red, green, blue, near-IR) are delivered ortho-rectified and GIS-ready, and with sub-meter resolutions, Satellogic Multispectral is ideal for monitoring high-frequency changes in infrastructure and the natural environment.
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GLOBHE Data Archive, provided by Globhe
GLOBHE offers a wide range of drone data solutions, including ultra-high-resolution imagery of up to 1cm, digital elevation models, thermal imaging, plant health maps, and much more. Through GLOBHE - Data Library, you get access to over 70TB of archive data already collected, on a global scale!
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PlanetScope, provided by Planet
See the changes over time for your area of interest, anywhere in the world, in stunning detail at a resolution of just 3 meters. PlanetScope multispectral imagery is widely used in applications involving forest monitoring, detecting changes in urban and peri-urban environments, and predicting crop yields.
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Pleiades Neo, provided by Airbus Defence and Space
Pléiades Neo is the most advanced optical constellation of Airbus, with four identical 30cm resolution satellites with ultimate reactivity. Its sensors capture Deep Blue, Blue, Green, Red, Red Edge, and Near-Infrared bands, at resolutions of 30 cm for Panchromatic, and 1.2m for Multispectral.
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