cloudeo Hellas PC, Anastasia Sarelli Wildfires near Marmaris, Turkey A large wildfire broke out in the Bordubet region of southwestern Turkey on 21-06-2022. However, due to strong winds, it quickly spread near the holiday resort of Marmaris on Turkey’s Aegean coast ( N... ESA Forestry Sentinel Hub Timelapse Use-case Wildfires
cloudeo Hellas PC, Dr. Dimitris Sykas Understanding agricultural risks with the GEO-Insurance platform Agricultural insurance focuses on modeling the risk of crop yield damages due to natural or other disasters such as hail, heavy rain, flooding, extreme temperature, wind storms, droughts, etc. None [... Agriculture Blog GEO Insurance GEO University Insurance Use-case
cloudeo Hellas PC, Anastasia Sarelli Solar panel farm in Kozani, Greece Big news for the Energy sector! The largest double-sided solar panel farm in Europe is now located in Kozani, Greece. According to None [1] Euronews , "Greece aims to almost double its installed capac... ESA Infrastructure Sentinel Hub Timelapse Use-case
cloudeo Hellas PC, Anastasia Sarelli Satellite imagery for forest fire monitoring Since December 2021, several provinces across Argentina have been devastated by forest fires due to climate change. Fires destroyed also areas within Patagonia, in the southern Argentine region close ... Disaster Management Earth Observation Events captured by satellites Sentinel Hub Use-case Wildfires
cloudeo Hellas PC, Anastasia Sarelli Volcanic Eruption in Tonga On Saturday 15/1/22, the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Haʻapai underwater volcano in South Pacific erupted with a devastating force. According to BBC News journalists, “the massive volcanic eruption and tsunami i... Disaster Management ESA Earth Observation Events captured by satellites Google Earth Planet Sentinel Hub Use-case